Corporate video this is essentially video commissioned by businesses, companies and organisations for their own sales and marketing purposes. It includes advertising content designed for all digital channels such as websites, social media, sales meetings, exhibitions etc but wouldn’t include content for TV or major broadcast. Corporate videos are generally commissioned by company MD’s or the communications and marketing departments.

It very much depends on a few factors, the duration – so how long is the video. It is 2 minutes, 3 minutes or 5 minutes or more? Also how polished does the production need to be, so does it require a voiceover, is it a complex shoot that requires several crew across several sites, is it an animated video? Is it a one off video or as part of a campaign? Typically a short brand film campaign that’s of a good quality may range on average from £4,000 – £6,000. Our blog can provide you with some typical pricing options as a guide.

This can differ depending on how exactly you want to go about the production, but they will be cheaper than a fully fledged video production that’s longer in duration. Our blog can provide you with some typical pricing options as a guide.

Corporate video is important because the entire world connects through emotion. All products and services in some way shape or form are purchased on emotion. That’s true for businesses as well as consumers. The best way to convey emotion and to tell stories is either face to face or via video. Video is therefore a key digital communication that businesses cannot afford to do without, if they are serious about growth. The added benefits are that YouTube and Google – the two largest search engines, prefer video over any other type of content – it also get’s higher engagement.

A plethora of things are needed to create video, including a crew, equipment and any catering and expenses for overnight stay and travel. Most agencies will have these things in house but may need extra equipment and crew members depending on the shoot.

A corporate video should include 3 core essences.

1. A story – this will bring your audience on a journey and engage them from the start – the whole point!

2. Personality – businesses shouldn’t be afraid to showcase their personality and tone of voice. This helps build connection and trust as people will be able to answer – yes I wanna do business with this company.

3. Relatable content – for people to connect with the content it has to relatable – what’s in it for them? If they are spending time watching video what will they gain from it. Put yourself in your audiences shoes.

The case study video is focused on detailed storytelling through the eyes of the customer showcasing a project before and after. The marketing and promo video is all about creating a ‘movement’ and engagement in your brand. Themed around a topic this video should educate and inspire. Parody Marketing videos allow you not only a chance to represent your brand and product, but also to show you and your team in a different environment where the possibilities of creating a funny video are endless. Commercial training videos are an ideal tool for businesses looking to package and sell their own content and areas of expertise. To see a range of video production examples, visit our portfolio page.

Commercial video production is high end video that advertises a companies offering. An advertisement promoting that companies product, service or brand promise. These videos are often broadcast on TV or used in specific advertising slots distributed to a much larger audience. The main objective is brand awareness and building trust with the audience so they feel compelled to get in touch and see what that business has to offer.

The pre-production stage is where the video agency helps you plan and carve the identity of your video with storyboards, scripts and planning with yourselves. The production is the actual filming of your story, and post-production is the editing of footage to finish off your video to its finest potential. Visit our process page to find out more.

Promotional videos directly advertise products and services. This content needs to be more than a sales pitch. Its important that promotional videos convey the features and benefits but also answer the audiences questions they may have. A good way to present a promotional video is in the form of an FAQs. What does your audience want to know about this product and why should they watch you’re video? What will they gain from it. Companies need to to think less about themselves and more about their audience so their content remains relatable.

2D animation is exactly what it says on the tin, a colourful, vibrant and fun style of video and two dimensional graphics and text to tell your story in an engaging and appealing way.

In comparison to video production, 2D video animation costs can at times be more cost effective as less resources are needed. An animator is needed to carry out the animation production which can be quite time consuming so time is to be considered in price. A graphic designer may also be required if your video contains bespoke graphics rather than stock. A voiceover artist may also be utilised to help tell the story. If you want to include a variety of different versions of your video in different languages, this should also be considered in the cost.

2D animation is a great tool for standing out from the crowd. Animating a story allows you to do things you couldn’t manage with a live action video, which means animated video can be useful in showing the ins and outs of a product or explaining a health and safety video in a punchier and more engaging way.

The animated explainer video, details a product or service in a short, snappy and punchy way. 2D product animation, a type of video production is a great way to showcase your businesses products in a truly unique and creative way. This format is less in depth than 3D and is better suited to telling a story about the product itself. The 2D animated video production that teaches health and safety is educational, topical and information based.

Creating a storyboard is a key aspect of 2D animation, this details how the story and message will come together. A graphic designer can then design the images required and the animator uses their skillset to bring these graphics to life by creating movements and transitions.

The pre-production process includes planning, storyboarding and scripting. The production and post-production is mixed into one stage, where the development and editing of the animation is all in one.

Animation is a complicated method of filmmaking and very time consuming. However the results are worth every minute, which is why it is as prevalent today as it ever has been. Good animations are created by experienced motion graphics designers and 2D artists. Basic animations with simple moving text are easier to produce but these can often lack engagement as the scenes are more like a powerpoint presentation.

3D animation is exactly what it says on the tin, an in depth, complex yet visually stunning way of demonstrating products, methods of safety and reconstruction videos. The three dimensional world of animation includes textures, lighting and camera movements to create an in depth immersive experience.

Like with 2D animated video companies, 3D animation agencies will base their cost on a number of things like the duration of the video, the complexity of the animation and the modelling work involved.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. 3D animation may require modelling work for objects, people or environments. Depending on the level of detail required this can take time to produce which will lead to a higher cost. If this video is a longer duration too then it will cost more to produce than a shorter more basic 3D video.

3D animated video has the power to turn your business marketing and inhouse communications into something unique and even more engaging for your audiences due to it’s in-depth detail and special presentation.

3D animated explainer videos follow an educational theme, documenting the steps involved in a process. 3D product animation is designed to promote a new or existing product range. These types of animated videos are ideal to communicate specific features and benefits, to help build a high quality sales tool to drive it through to market. 3D animated reconstruction videos recount or re-enact an event or incident that took place the reconstruction video is a valuable piece of video content. 

Creating a storyboard is a key aspect of 3D animation, this details how the story and message will come together. An animator will then start to build and model the environment, objects and set the lighting to create the three dimensional effect. The process involved and movement are then added last to create the moving sequence.

The pre-production process includes planning, storyboarding and scripting. The production and post-production is mixed into one stage, where the development and modelling work for the animation is done at the same time.

3D video production is a lot more complicated than 2D video. There are lots of components and difficulties that come with the process but as long as your video agency has the best animator for the job you have no need to worry.

A health and safety video outlines the safe working practices and procedures on site. It can be for both workplaces and sites. It should welcome new employees and contractors and prepare them for their role so that that work safely. It’s a way of introducing people to the company and also the safety culture. A health and safety induction video should also highlight any risks and dangers on site and how to mitigate these.

This is all very dependent on what type of video you want. Do you want a video production, a 2D or 3D animated training video? All three forms are well suited to safety videos but cost can vary depending on what you want and what methods may be best for what you want to say.

Health and safety induction video is so important as it integrates new employees into the company. It’s important so that they can quickly understand the new systems and procedures and it gives them a senses of belonging. It’s also important for the business to communicate key information and ensure their new staff and contractors get their questions answered. This will ensure the business is compliant and that staff stay within the business for the months and years to come. Good inductions can be delivered via video training, or in face to face or group settings.

Site safety induction and training videos are used for sites when they want to detail key bits of information for staff, contractors and visitors attending a site. 2D animated content for health and safety video topics such as confined spaces, working at height and life saving rules refreshes and brings very important messaging to life. Information presented in this style is simple but very effective. 

A health and safety induction should include a number of different things. Firstly it should outline all the key information that is detailed within the companies Health and Safety policy. This might include things such as Accident reporting, fire evacuation procedures, First aid arrangements, key welfare locations, Prohibited areas, site safety rules and potential risks and hazards on site.

Health and Safety videos can be just as effective in any video format, some need to be told in certain ways to make their messaging get across properly to the audience. For example live action may work better for accident reconstruction or communicating a first account of something. Site safety induction videos can be produced in animation and live action filming. Topics that are complex to understand may benefit from being broken down into smaller bitesize topics communicated possibly through animation.

Video itself is a very engaging way of getting health and safety information across than reading materials or powerpoint presentations. In animation for example, the use of colour and characters can appeal to your audience’s senses more positively and hook them in. Using people in the film too can create content that is relatable and personable to that site or company which often creates much higher levels of engagement than written material with no story.

There are many ways to promote a safety culture at work. Training is an obvious one. Rewarding people for safe behaviours. Using safety champions to filter messages & build a safety culture. Video tools including interactive video. Posters and signage. Staff intranet. Tool box talk meetings. Encourage feedback and discussion. Workplace risk assessments. Investigating accidents an incidents looking at root causes. The key thing that connects everything is good communication, that’s clear, simple and easy to understand.

Safety videos are becoming more and more popular for companies to use as video communications become more and more relevant, especially in the case of evolving health and safety communications. 

Site safety rules are the key important steps that staff and contractors MUST pay attention to and follow whilst on site. They should be simple, clear and easy to understand and communicated to everyone attending site. Site safety rules videos and posters are a great way to capture people’s attention and engage them in the safety messages. The details of the rules should be communicated in inductions, safety talks and meetings.

Drone videography is the use of a drone camera to capture large landscapes and cityscapes from a birds eye view position.

Drone film can vary in price depending on what you are after, are you wanting footage or just photos, for example. However in comparison to our other video production services, drone filming is cheaper to do. Most video production agencies will charge on a day rate basis which may be anywhere from £500-£1000 a day depending on the level of experience.

For the construction sector in particular, drones allow for easy capture of a site or landscape, that you couldn’t possibly do with a film crew. The pilot can do multiple shoots showing the progression of your site, allowing you to update your audience on what’s new and what your site will eventually become. Drones are also a useful tool for site surveys, to help measure areas of land or provide a closer inspection of a tower or tank for example that may require maintenance.

The shoot is relatively simple, a pilot will check and survey the area first to ensure there are no restrictions in place. Once they arrive on site they will have a plan about where they intend to fly. Once in flight, which normally lasts 12-15 minutes they will conduct the shot and film the shots required. Depending on the length and logistics, the turnaround time can be relatively quick for edits.

With a skilled pilot at the helm, a drone can film all around your site, on top, as close as you need, and even inside a building for you. This can be for site survey, inspection and for marketing purposes.  

The popularity of using drones has escalated over the past few years and for the construction sector this has been a key way of capturing site progress on an epic scale and showcase this to your audience. It’s popularity is always increasing as the technology improves, as does the amount of people devoting their careers to being drone pilots.

Depending on your site and where you are, mostly anything can be filmed as long as you have a license. However the drone can’t fly over roads as this  is restricted – this can’t be done in any fashion so it should always be done on site or if you have special permissions if you need to cross over roads. You also can’t fly a drone within 50 metres of any person, vehicle or building not controlled by you. In addition some areas of land may have certain perimeter restrictions such as nuclear power stations and airspaces. Some sites will allow you to fly within a restricted area providing permission is granted first.

There aren’t any licenses you need to have a drone shoot your site, however you should always make sure that your pilot owns licenses to shoot. They should always register as an operator and have a Part 107 drone license so they can make money from what they are doing. In addition to this you will need to ensure their insurance information is valid and up to date.

360 degree film is exactly what it suggests, a film that is shot with a 360 degree camera, allowing for interaction to get a full view of a taken shot.

Depending on if you’re filming a 360 video with a drone or you’re doing a corporate video production, price can differ. However with this being a relatively new technology it can be expensive in getting equipment and also the process for the editing process.

360 video is set apart from the rest, as your audience can interact with the film whilst it plays, it allows them to move and toggle around the shot to see a full 360 view. Utilising this new technology effectively will help companies to differentiate from their competitors.

Your audience can pause or even keep the video playing as they click around the shot to see everything happening around them. That interactivity adds an extra layer of engagement from your audience.

It’s relatively easy to do as you use a fixed wide shot. The editing part to process the footage and stitch it together can be a little more complex.

Virtual reality videos are an immersive type of video content that allow the user to escape into an interactive world. The world is graphical and CGI based as opposed to live action video.

Virtual reality technology includes headsets, eyewear and controllers that allow the user to control certain actions in the virtual world. Of course, you’ll need your base video too. Depending on what you want to be able to do in your video, you may only require a headset.

Using the virtual reality equipment, the user can control certain aspects of the virtual world they are in. The headset allows the user to see and listen to the visual and sound aspect of the video, and controllers can allow the user to touch and pick up elements if included. Another key functionality is the ability to move around the area of the video, to get closer to different parts of the area. The user can also click on hotspots to load more information such as text, photos and videos.

There are a plethora of different video hosting platforms implementing virtual reality technology into repertoire. YouTube is the most popular, and with the service becoming more and more popular, more platforms will surely follow.

You can, however you won’t get the proper VR experience from watching them on a headset, just a closer look at the content.

With VR you are not advised to spend any longer than 30 minutes a session. However, this shouldn’t put you off, as this is mainly the case with gaming and not particularly video, which commonly would be under this time.

There are a few different types of virtual reality technology. Fully-immersive virtual reality is what it says on the tin, the full experience of VR with a moveable and interactive world. This type is mainly used in gaming. Semi-immersive virtual reality videos provide users with a partially virtual world, commonly used for educational and training purposes. Non-immersive virtual reality videos are usually just interactive videos, without the headset and gear. 360 videos are a type of non-immersive, as whilst it may give you a certain amount of control, you are not in that world properly, breaking a lot of the immersion.

For the best experience you’ll need a headset, plugged into a high powered machine or games console to run the VR. For 360 videos and virtual tours you can also watch these on a desktop, or by using your phone within a headset.

VR video can be used in a multitude of ways. It can be very helpful for specific training requirements where the user can access the VR environment first and learn tasks within that safely before progressing into the real site. VR can be used for marketing to promote and showcase site facilities where it’s harder for visitors to access. VR is also great to demonstrate products in action to allow the user to interact with a real product or prototype that is new to the market.

Whilst it does depend on what exactly you want in your video, VR video production in particular can be expensive. Due to it being rather new technology with a lot of work and components to it, you should expect it to be more costly than your average corporate video. You’ll also need to invest in the hardware such as a high powered machine and headset. This investment alone could range from £2,000-£3,000 plus the production costs. However, the benefits and individuality a virtual reality video can bring to your brand can be worth their weight in gold.

Interactive video production is an ideal tool to help enhance a corporate video production that requires some form of interaction and input from the user. Interactive videos provide the viewer with the ability to click using a desktop or a mobile device within the video for an action to occur.
An interactive video platform is one which allows or relates to a continuous two-way transfer of information, typically between the user and the central point of communication system such as a computer or a TV.
Interactive media is a method of communication in which the program’s outputs depend on the user’s inputs. Interactive video can provide a number of different clickable actions in relation to the content that is being watched.
You can use interactive video for training purposes courses can be put together with this type of technology to create short videos asking questions and giving tasks for the audience to complete. This could be through a quiz for example, perfect for a virtual type of training course mixed with buttons and branching paths. A quiz can guide your audience and get them assessed on different types of topics.
The possibilities really are endless in terms of the types of questions you can actually ask. You can have basic multiple choice type questions, or you could go a bit further and use a visual type of question. This would get the user to look at an image and then pick from a variety of different choices.
You could use a single image and add clickable hotspots to it for example, so the user can answer a question by clicking on a specific part of that image.
Interactive video is a new way to promote your brand. You could use an interactive video to create an e-brochure. This will allow your customers ultimately to decide on what type of content they want to learn more about. They could click on a number of different options that route them through questions or to videos or to different websites. This extra layer of interactivity offers a different level of engagement, ultimately giving your audience more control over the decisions about the type of content that they want to see. This is really empowering also for companies who want to guide customers through a series of short questions and then route customers to different options.
  • Videos can create a more personable and relatable feel to your products or services
  • Customers who watch a video are 70% more likely to purchase from you
  •  A series of regular videos sustains your relationship with your audience
  • 80% of millennials consume video content when researching a purchase decision
  • You’ll get a huge SEO boost from releasing video content on your specific products or services
  • Websites with video are 53X more likely to land on the first page of search results
  • Video content performs best with most algorithms, based on the fact it captures a viewer’s attention for longer
  • YouTube is the #2 search engine and it shares data with Google
  • Videos are a consumers’ favourite type of content to see from a brand on social media
  • Viewers can retain about 95% of information they received from a video

The subscription service works best for short promotional marketing content and internal communications topics that can be packaged into 60-90 seconds.

Here are a few potential uses:

Internal communications: External communications: Marketing and promotional:
  • Company updates & announcements
  • PR, events and news
  • Products and service videos
  • CEO messages/values/culture
  • Investor and stakeholder relations
  • Showcasing people and premises
  • Recruitment
  • Interview with an industry expert
  • Customer testimonials
  • CSR
  • Meet the team video
  • Social videos or comedic skits
  • Staff incentives
  • Christmas or other holiday video
  • Behind the scenes or vlog style video
  • Business FAQs
  • Health and safety
  • Educational and learning
  • Stakeholder relations
  • Charitable work and partnerships
  • How-to videos or product demonstrations
  • Onboarding process
  • Team member interview
  • Competition video
  • Staff / day in the life
  • Thank you video
  • Short Q&A

If you’d like more flexibility in the type of content and video you’d like to produce then you’d need to speak to us about our bespoke video production services. Our subscription service just covers basic filming and editing for quick social media videos. This is why we can offer it at a much lower cost as the main elements of the video production have been removed.

Every client of ours has a different objective in mind, some being to increase sales, increase brand awareness and staying ahead of the competition. The beauty of our subscription model is that it allows for regular video content which means that you can sustain your relationship with your audience for longer.
We optimise the title, description, thumbnail and other metadata. The goal is to make sure that when people search for video’s on YouTube or Google, your video will appear in top of the page in their search results.

B-roll footage is often used to cut away to and provide context and visual interest to help tell your story. It’s secondary footage to the main footage which may be a person being interviewed or speaking to camera.

A sound bite is a brief recorded statement or snippet. It could be a person saying something directly to the camera or directly to someone off camera.

This depends on how much footage was taken on the shoot, but we’ll be sure to get you something within a week or two since the filming date, and sometimes much sooner than this.

You’ll then have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggest any tweaks to the edit.

Our editors will put together the best clips from the filming date to build a sequence. They will create the desired narrative and then add any suitable graphics, music, subtitles, text, titles and apply colour correction to provide a video of high standard for you.

YouTube SEO is a very important part of digital marketing. It helps to increase the visibility of your video and increase its organic traffic.

YouTube SEO is not just about optimising the video for search engines, it also includes optimising the title, description, tags, and other metadata. The goal is to make sure that when people search for videos on YouTube or Google, your video will appear in their search results.

The process can be broken down into three steps: On-page optimisation, off-page optimisation, and link building.

As part of the service, we will optimise your videos for you, allowing you to get the best engagement on your video content.

Social media video production is a form of marketing that involves the use of videos on social media channels.

There are many reasons why a company would want to produce a video on social media channels. The most common ones are to increase brand awareness, attract new customers, and create an emotional connection with their audience.

Social media is a vital tool for businesses to maintain their online presence. It is the platform where they can interact with their customers, post updates and generate leads.

For video-based social media, Facebook and Instagram are the best platforms. The former has 1 billion active monthly users while the latter has 700 million monthly active users.

The main reason why Facebook is preferred over Instagram for video posts is that it allows videos to be longer than 15 seconds which means more content can be shared in one post.

On the other hand, Instagram may not be as popular as Facebook but it does have some advantages for video marketing such as its fast growing user base and its visual nature which makes it easier to create engaging content that grabs attention.

The key to successful video marketing is to have a clear goal in mind before you start filming so that the content aligns with the objective.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before you start filming: What do I want my audience to take away from this video? Who am I targeting?

You will get the finished video that we edit and create, however you will not be provided with the RAW footage from the filming day.

If you need this footage for additional edits, this can be agreed separately, and there may be a fee involved.

This depends on what you want exactly. We have a vast library of music already, so of course there will be no charge for this. However, if you desire specific music for your video which we will have to buy, there may be an extra fee for this.

Most of these videos should not require stock footage, however if they do, there may be an extra fee for this too.

Speak to our expert team to discuss your specific video needs to find out more: 0113 288 3245

Anything that requires a higher level of video production and a team around it to produce. Such as brand films and case studies etc that may require more strategic work or the use of third parties artists such as actors and voice overs.

Videos requiring a studio and specific sound design would also fall into this remit. If you’re looking for something other than a one person camera/editor you’ll need to talk to us about our stand alone video production services.

If you are based outside of our 40 mile radius from Leeds, UK, or outside of Yorkshire, please give us a call on 0113 288 3245 to see if we can arrange travel to your location.

If you’re not sure what route is best then please get in touch and our friendly team will help guide you.

Get in touch with our friendly team today to find out more about our customisable digital content package options.

We’re happy to adapt our packages to suit your business needs.

0113 288 3245

[email protected]

Take a look at our video production packages examples here.

Check out our portfolio page to see more examples of our work.

Or hop over to our YouTube channel to find out more.

We suggest looking at our video production packages playlist.

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium for businesses to connect with their audience and establish a strong online presence. If you are considering starting a podcast for your business, there are several compelling reasons why it could be a beneficial move.

Firstly, podcasting allows you to reach a wider audience. With the rising popularity of podcasts, more and more people are tuning in to listen to their favourite shows during their commute, workout, or even while working. By creating a podcast, you have the opportunity to engage with potential customers who prefer audio content over written or visual formats.

Additionally, podcasts provide a unique platform for showcasing your expertise and thought leadership. Through regular episodes, you can share valuable insights, industry trends, and practical tips related to your business niche. This establishes credibility and positions your brand as an authority in the field.

Another advantage of starting a podcast is the ability to build meaningful connections with your audience. Unlike other forms of content where communication is one-sided, podcasts create an intimate listening experience that fosters a sense of connection and trust between the host(s) and the listeners. This can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer engagement.

Furthermore, producing a podcast can also open up new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships within your industry. Inviting guest experts or influencers as guests on your show not only provides interesting content but also allows you to tap into their existing audience base and expand your reach.

There are two choices when it comes to recording your podcast. You can either use our studio space or we can travel to your office or site location.

Shot Blast Media can provide all the equipment needed for your podcast. We have specialist microphones, cameras and podcasting gear to make your podcast series professional and engaging!

We would recommend recording episodes between 15 minutes and 60 minutes long. The most popular podcasts are between 20 to 40 minutes long, however this depends on the topics being discussed and your target audience.

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