The Best Videos for Manufacturing and Engineering

It's a given that the manufacturing and engineering industries are evolving incredibly fast, especially with technological advancements and the talented people joining them. It's also a given that there are many more talented individuals who are looking to get into this line of work, with specified university courses being one of the best methods of education and preparing these people for the future. Yet even with these prospects, there are many opportunities for these industries to educate and inspire those who may not be too savvy on the subject. It just so happens that one of these opportunities is video, our favourite! You may be wondering how video can help your manufacturing or engineering business? How can it help your audience understand and get on board with who you are, and what you do? What type of video should you use to educate and showcase your company? Well, you've come to the right place. Video is our medium, and it can be yours as well. The Flagship or Brand Video Possibly the most integral type of video you could use for your company. This video should be all about you. Tell your audience who your company are, tell them what you do, but most importantly, tell them why. Why you do what you do, what makes you tick. This is the perfect way to give a top-tier presentation forward of yourselves and your brand, and it's also the best way to share your story. Let your audience know why [...]

The Best Videos for Manufacturing and Engineering2021-07-09T12:19:21+00:00

5 Social Media Channels You Might Not Be Utilising

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. These social media platforms are incredibly useful for promoting your business in the digital age of marketing. They're incredibly helpful too, but it's good to think outside the box sometimes and look at platforms that you may not be aware of - that just might just get you a little more attention. 5. Pinterest Okay, so this is a pretty well known site, but there's not a lot of businesses that utilise Pinterest for what it's worth. A bit of a mix between Facebook and Instagram, this site is perfect if you're in the creative industry. What makes Pinterest different to other social media sites is it's organic capabilities. The organic reach on a Pinterest post is determined by what kinds of keywords you have used in your post, if they align with the users search, and how many there are. Effectively, this allows you to plan out a strategy in capturing your audience's attention without spending a dime! 4. Snapchat Again, if you haven't heard of this one you must be living under a rock, but what you may not know is how effective Snapchat can be when advertising your business. If you don't know what Snapchat is, it's an app that lets users send a photo or video either directly to another user or to their Snapchat Story, which can be seen by anyone depending on who you allow to see it. If your marketing campaign caters towards the younger demographic, [...]

5 Social Media Channels You Might Not Be Utilising2023-01-17T10:31:13+00:00
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