Hi I’m Lotty from Shot Blast Media. I’ve been speaking to a lot of our clients over the past couple of weeks and the one thing that keeps cropping up in discussions is – how can companies motivate their staff and boost morale when they are working from home, furloughed or even back at work practising social distancing. So this got me thinking about some content ideas. Having spoken to a few more clients and found out what they are doing I thought I’d share some insights from across my network:
Organising fun social activities. This could be a number of different things from starting the day with a virtual yoga session, having a lunchtime workout, or a pub style quiz with a beer after work. All of these can be done on zoom video call, with multiple users in one window. It just takes someone to be the main organiser to lead the session but it’s a way of doing something fun with colleagues or teams – whilst keeping active.
Having company contests and a bit of lighthearted competition can always be a winner – plus it keeps people focused on a common goal. This could be around healthy eating challenge, exercises, creativity projects the list is endless – Sharing fun video clips and photos keeps people feeling connected and spirits high. Also some prizes for the winners.
Leaning and development sessions are a good way of keeping peoples skills up to date whilst building on personal development. We’ve all got a bit more time on our hands so this is a good opportunity to get people trained up. There’s plenty of online courses out there so signing up to something is an easy way for staff to turn their hand to something completely new.
Providing good quality health and wellness resources can help staff to cope with daily life and ease the adjustment of working from home. This could be anything from blog articles, to video tips, to online counselling support, meditation and so on. There are a number of free apps or ones that companies could sign up too like Headspace for example that can provide helpful daily disciplines to keep people feeling centred.
Celebrating! There’s so much to celebrate at the moment. We just can’t always see it! Positivity breeds positivity so don’t forget to celebrate anything and everything. Simple things like staff birthdays or recognising work well done and achievements in the workplace. Saying thank you goes a long way so shout it from the rooftops, make it public and make your staff feel rewarded for their efforts.
Staying connected virtually and good communication is key. CEOs, directors, team leaders should be providing regular video messaging on internal platforms to keep employees engaged and in the loop. Don’t forget to ask staff for feedback, get their valuable input to ensure their is conversion and an open door to discuss anything. So there you have it, some ideas on how to keep your staff motivated and to boost morale whilst they are working from home. If you’ve got any other ideas then do let me know and I can feature it on my next vlog.
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