How We Create New & Exciting Videos for Businesses With Our Video Production Subscription Service!

Shot Blast Media provides a video production subscription service that means we create unique video content for businesses every month.
With our video subscription package, you will gain memorable and effective videos, based on unique ideas to represent your business and brand.
Our new video production subscription service works best for short promotional marketing content and internal communications topics that can be packaged into 60-90 seconds.
But how do we create these exciting videos every month?
Our simple template structure makes commissioning monthly video very simple:
STEP ONE: Decide and plan when you’d like our filmmaker to come to site for that month.
STEP TWO: Agree with us the focus for the video that month and supply us with your brand assets, including logos, fonts and brand colours.
STEP THREE: Capture the footage on site. Either filming sound bites or b-roll or both.
STEP FOUR: Edit the footage together in a short video and supply a first draft.
STEP FIVE: Review the footage and suggest any tweaks.
STEP SIX: Supply the final video(s).
STEP SEVEN: Upload the final video(s) to your YouTube channel.
STEP EIGHT: Set up and optimise the video(s) for best results.
STEP NINE: Post your videos on your other social media channels.
STEP TEN: Enjoy regular, consistent content and plan for next month’s video!
It’s that simple! We’ll do all the hard parts and you can relax knowing that you’ll have some fantastic content to post on your social media channels.
What do we do if you need help coming up with an idea for the video?
We have a strong creative team at Shot Blast Media who are brilliant at coming up with feasible, unique and engaging video ideas.
Want a call to find out what sort of content we can create for you or want to know more about our video subscription packages?
Get in touch today: 0113 288 3245 | [email protected]
Find out more on our website here. Watch some of our favourite video subscription content here.
Or, if you are looking for higher levels of video production, check out our corporate video production page here.

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