Call to actions on videos can be a valuable way of driving traffic to desired areas, or a completely pointless tool if not utilised properly.
Thankfully, they’ve evolved from the days when their main purpose was to obstruct the viewers ability to watch the video unless they sought after a small exit button on every bubble. Now they blend seamlessly into your videos, allowing for a much more friendly user experience and some pretty desirable results for marketeers.
In this post, we’ll explore 5 ways in which you can maximise your CTAs visibility and get the results you’re looking for.
1. Let’s start from the beginning
On average, with a 60s video you have about 3-5 seconds to make an impact on the viewer. Around 20% of viewers won’t finish your video (kissmetrics). Due to this, you’re gonna want to get your primary purpose of the video (your CTA) up front and centre as quickly as possible so that 100% of your viewers have the opportunity to complete that action.
2. Getting a lead
Lead generation is arguably one of the most vital parts of marketing and your videos can do more than just increase awareness around your brand, service or product. It can literally direct the lead to your sales team and get the ball rolling at high speeds towards new business opportunities.
This type of CTA should be used alongside the rest of your marketing content, i.e blogs, social media & email marketing campaigns to have the best chances of seeing that return. You can even pop this video in your email signature to fully maximise it’s reach.
3. Website traffic
This CTA works best for product explainer/ marketing videos where the purpose is to drive sales. Having a CTA that directs your viewers directly to the product page on your website will allow for a simple user friendly transaction.
The less your viewers need to do to purchase items that you’ve sparked your interest in (i.e allowing them to do it with one click) the more likely it is that they’ll convert to sales.
4. Subscribe to your channel
If people commit to subscribing to your Youtube channel, they’ll get notified each time you upload a video and it’ll also feature on their homepage. Subscribers tend to watch your videos longer than non subscribers.
If you’re getting a lot of views on your content, but your subscriber list leaves something to be desired, then try this CTA to see if you can boost those stats!
5. Increase your social reach
If your audience are engaged with your videos and your subscriber numbers are clocking up, they’ll probably dig the rest of your social content too. Multi-channel marketing is an amazing way to stay at the forefront of potential customers minds. The more you can get them to like and engage with you as a business, the more likely it is that they’ll soon turn into your loyal brand advocates.
Place your other social media channel icons in your videos and ensure that all your channels are consistent with your marketing content. Now sit back, post wonderful content watch the engagement peak every time you release video content.
Your Industrial Story Starts Here
Press the button. Make the call. Transform your media.