3D Animation Video: Ideas for Content Marketing Post-COVID-19
As the global pandemic is starting to show signs of slowing down, it’s comforting to know that very soon we’ll be able to all get back to ‘normal’, but it is worth noting that we will be in a very new world with a new normal. If there is anything the lockdown has shown us, it’s that video is the perfect tool for keeping in contact with customers and employees, be that through marketing or just general communication. As the pandemic calms down video will be important now more than ever in a post-COVID-19 world, especially with 3D animated video.
A social distancing training video will help to educate staff and contractors on the current guidelines and safe working practices within an office. As we’ve produced this material for ourselves and clients, our staff and contractors are trained to work safely on site. This makes live action video production on site possible now and in future while the restrictions are in place.
Other popular video formats will include 3D animation. We will see a big shift in the way companies sell and market their products and services. For example those companies who once relied on visiting customers across the UK and overseas will probably reduce the amount of business travel they do. Meetings will take place over video conference more frequently, so companies will need a new way to get in front of new prospective customers and engage them. This is where a business video or animated sales video will be the perfect tool to help them achieve that.
Animated video content is perfect for sales pitches and customer presentations. It’s a totally different approach to a power-point presentation and with something dynamic, short and catchy it will work wonders in attracting new business. The benefits of good video content can be seen far and wide. Increased conversations, greater awareness in a brand, video marketing can that be used across so many different platforms – like social media, the website, e-shots, trade shows, video presentations.
Trade shows and exhibitions will play a part but companies that once relied on older marketing and communication methods will have to modernise to stay ahead of the competition. It won’t be a case of video is a ‘nice to have’, it will become the essential business tool for all companies.
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