What is Guerrilla Marketing and How is it Best Used?

Guerrilla marketing is a marketing tactic that uses creativity, imagination, and originality to promote a product or idea. It can be used as a type of direct marketing or to create buzz for a product.
Guerrilla marketing is done in an unconventional way. These marketing campaigns are often short, inexpensive, and highly targeted.
The term “guerrilla” refers to the unconventional nature of the marketing campaign. The word comes from the Spanish word “guerra” which means “to wage war” or “to fight”.
First used in military strategy, guerrilla in this sense refers to small groups of soldiers who ambush larger enemy forces in surprise attacks.
The term guerrilla was applied to marketing because it implies unconventional tactics and strategies executed by small numbers of people with limited resources against larger opponents.
The guerrilla marketing technique uses creative and non-traditional strategies to reach a company’s target audience. It is often used when the product or service cannot be marketed through traditional channels.
This type of marketing is not as expensive as other forms of advertising and it can be done on a small budget, which means that most businesses can use guerrilla marketing in their strategy.
Guerrilla marketing is based on innovation and is used by a lot of big brands today, including the BBC, Guinness, IKEA and Colgate.
Some guerrilla marketing ideas worth thinking about include:
- Flash mobs
- Promotional products
- Graffiti
- Publicity stunts
- Parody videos
- Indoor and outdoor campaigns
- Experimental campaigns
- User-generated content
- Viral videos
- Ambush marketing campaigns
- Undercover marketing
- Comedy-based campaigns
- Use of celebrities and influencer promotion
These campaigns are made in order to create successful brand awareness and generate sales, as well as to create a talking point and produce good PR for your brand or business.
Have you got any innovative ideas you could use to create your own guerrilla marketing strategy?
Make a list of ideas (the wackier the better!) and get started from there!
If you need help on any video marketing ideas, contact us today: +44 (0)113 288 3245 | [email protected]

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