Case Study
Media Interview Training
Shot Blast Media offers a unique media training course, designed specifically as a one day programme. This practical media communications course is delivered on a one-to-one, or two-to-one basis. Situated in our media studio and office environment, the course is crafted to take company directors, executives, CEOs and spokespersons out of the every day and put them through a range of different practical media training exercises.
The course covers TV interview training, corporate media training and radio media training to develop effective presentations within a media environment. Our media training is highly practical and delivered by BBC trained staff and professionals currently working within the video industry. Our communications course gives a fresh and unique approach to modern media training. The session is very interactive and includes a mix of facilitator led content, multiple practical activities, various media training examples, media tips and feedback sessions.
Throughout the day, participants will be given the opportunity to view and critique their video footage so learning can be tailored towards each individuals needs. The aim of the workshop is to develop our participants camera confidence, hone their media skills and learn to handle different media situations. Participants will learn how to talk on camera in a relaxed, natural and engaging way. They will also learn how to increase confidence and credibility. The course is also designed to teach people practical media training skills in relation to crisis management. Handling various media trained responses to a range of different scenarios.
Each participant will receive a showreel of their ‘takes’ and feedback sessions so they can be reviewed again in future. We believe that people apply their best knowledge when they take an active role in any training course which is why we have designed the course to be as practical and constructive as possible.
What makes our course different?
Unlike most other media training courses, our course takes place in our on site studio. We believe taking participants out of their normal working environment is key to establishing a different atmosphere and creating a real media experience. All our training is delivered on a one to one or one to two basis. The small group size and individual training means candidates have more time to perform multiple practical sessions, with less distractions from larger group sizes. Candidates will have up to 7 practical sessions on our workshop compared to 3 or 4 sessions which is typical of larger media training groups.
The course is also delivered by our media training expert David, who is currently working actively within the video and media industry. As a corporate video production company we work with a multitude of company directors, CEO’s, PR and comms teams and regularly spot the pitfalls that untrained staff fall into. This experience combined with our broadcast background has enabled us to develop a course from a unique perspective giving participants a more well rounded, modern approach to media training.
We also offer Camera and Video Training, designed to develop your filmmaking & video production skills for social media.
Situated in our media studio and office environment, the course is crafted to take marketeers, sales teams and company communicators out of their every day and put them through a range of different practical filmmaking and video training exercises.
The course covers the head to toe of video production, specifically for social media. This is to help organisations get more from their own people and devices such as phones and tablets to create short and interesting pieces of ad hoc content for social media. From the planning stages, to the filming, to the editing and marketing of the social content you’ll be creating, we’ll be guiding you through the entire process.
Find out more here or contact us for more information on our training courses.
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