2D animated video production and motion graphics can tell a story in a multitude of ways. With a little bit of imagination, you can create a completely different world using 2D models, for a host of different subjects and stories.
2D animated video is being used a lot more by companies, for both internal communications and marketing and promotional activity. Here are our top reasons as to why 2D animated video works so well as a video communication tool.
2) 2D animation can help to simplify topics in a more streamlined and visual way. With the help of 2D animation services, you can visualise how processes work, tell a story or take someone on a journey. A 2D model can be used for a high level communication, simplifying complex topics or subject matter that’s naturally more unengaging. A 2D animated format can transform this into something that totally different, eye catching and worth watching.
3) Animation allows you to also create any kind of environment or scene. This means you’re not waiting for access or special permissions to film somewhere as you can just create it from the tip of your fingers. If you needed to present your project in what could be a hazardous or hard to reach environment for example, 2D animation can create a world for you to show your project without those barriers. This in turn allows you again to show how something apply to a particular environment or a particular process within a particular place.
4) A 2D animation can be made and produced in the comfort of a studio. With issues such as the COVID-19 virus, video production and drone videos are more limited due to site access restrictions. For that reason 2D animation services are an ideal visual tool to ensure businesses can continue to promote and market their products and services digitally.
For more help or to find out about our 2D animation services get in touch on 0113 288 3245 or email us at [email protected].
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